Little girl started singing, as soon as the dog heard it he came and jumped with his paws on the piano tiles, what happened next amused the whole family


Animals and kids. That combination can always amuse you. And it doesn’t even have to be trained. You only need few minutes and something that you will remember for a long time is formed. No wonder, a child and an animal can do something so spontaneously that will make everyone laugh. Video starts innocently with just a normal game. Suddenly a dog and a little child burst into the room. A pair no one is ever bored by. For a moment it looks as if nothing is going to happen. The dog stops and just blankly stares. The child doesn’t want to stop, it stands and starts moving as if imitating a dance. The dog still stands for a while but then does a few moves. Towards what?

Nowadays we have a huge advantage. And that is mobile phones thanks to which we can film them. Not only can we laugh over it later but we can also share it on social media. And make the whole world laugh. An example is this video and if this doesn’t make you laugh, nothing else probably will. Check the video on next page!

A dog musical accompaniment

It’s obvious the child is dancing. But what will the dog do? He is smart and knows that you should dance only with music. And so he runs toward the piano and stands on his back legs and presses the piano tiles with his front paws. So that the child can dance to music. And since he is also a smart dog he knows that with music comes singing. And so he starts howling because he doesn’t know how to sing.

Look for yourself how a piano player and a singer in a dog skin looks along with a child dancing to it. Thanks for the fact that we have phones with cameras since this video is a real hit and definitely will make your mood better. Whenever you feel bad play this video. You will see the difference.

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Autor článku

Jeffrey Dirk

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