Policeman came closer to an older man on a crossroad, drivers can’t believe what they saw! He surprised everyone


Were you ever a witness of something strange? Have you ever experienced something so surprising or interesting that you won’t be able to forget it till you die? If not we have a story for you that happened on a very busy crossroad of big town. No one present didn’t understand what has happening at that time and everyone just stared with their mouths open on what the policemen did with the old man. No one will probably ever forget what they saw.

The policeman shocked everyone

What would you do or how would you behave if you saw an old person get stuck on a crosswalk? Most of us would just impatiently wait till the pensioner walks to the other side. And while doing so most of us would probably be swearing and nervous about not getting to an important meeting on time. There are more important things in the world than business meetings. Luckily, a young policeman was aware of that and with his well-timed reaction, surprised absolutely everyone on the crossroad. Who later could be ashamed of themselves that they just waited and sweared. So what happened? Find out on second page:


Everything was captured on a camera

Once you look at the footage that captured the action, you will understand how strong this experience must have been. It wasn’t just about a strong experience for drivers and passer-bys but mainly about an act of willingness to help and protect no matter what the cursing bystanders think. Policeman acted as a good person and a man and he deserves all the acknowledgement. Although some might say it was his duty he could have just stayed in his car and waited for the old man to pass. Instead he got u and went to help.


Stand on green light

The green light was on and pedestriands got on the crosswalk. Along with them went an older man. However, before he got even to the middle, the red light was already on. That meant that cars had green and could go. But no car could go because the man was still on the crosswalk and was walking very slowly. No one thought about getting out of their car and helping the man. Fortunately, a policeman thought about it and went to the man to help him cross the road. Once you see the video that captured everything, you will understand what happened.

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Autor článku

Jeffrey Dirk

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