Cat noticed a dog and instantly pretended to be dead. This video takes over the internet


Videa from the animal world guarantee that you will have fun and stare at what some animals think of or do. This cat is the perfect example. Her inventiveness should be admired. If a cat sees a dog it most often runs away and the dog runs right after it. However in this case it was different because the cat that saw a dog didn’t run. She took a truly untraditional position.

Lied on the ground and pretended to be dead

This cat chose a rather untraditional and unique tactic. When the dog started nearing her, she lied down out of nowhere and pretended to be dead. That apparently shocked the dog which suddenly didn’t know what to do. He thought he would run with the cat but instead stood and just watched what happened. The cat lied on the ground and the dog nervously stepped around her. It was visible that he was confused, shocked and surprised. He didn’t know if the cat was truly dead and what is about to happen. See what happens in this video on next page.

He carefully watched her

He found it weird that a cat would just die out of nowhere and just lied in the middle of the road. And so he stood above her and carefully watched her. He didn’t dare to touch her. It was visible that he is ready to react to anything that could happen. He just watched the cat and waited whether or not will she do something. And he eventually got to see it.

Unexpected cat’s reaction

When the cat found out the dog stood above her and wouldn’t go away, she decided she needs to do something. She realized she must behave differently than she first wanted to and that she will not escape the dog’s attention. And so she carefully held her head up to see if the dog is still above her or not. And since she saw he is, she decided to do something unexpected.

Suddenly she fiercely got up and run away. The dog didn’t wait for anything and went right after her. Exciting chase. Altought she tried to confuse the dog she didn’t succeed. The dog knew something was wrong.

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Autor článku

Jeffrey Dirk

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