Gynecologist stopped in the middle of an examination and with fear in his eyes immediately called police


Woman ended up in police station

Police came for the woman to the doctor’s office and investigation began. While interrogation woman admitted to being pregnant and even to giving birth. When they asked about the baby she stated that it was born dead and she didn’t know what to do with it.


The child was found in a garage

During interrogation woman also told the police where to find the baby. That was directly in their house, in garage, in one of the motorcycle trunks that were parked there. When police came to the place they did find the baby there. According to the mother it wasn’t her who hid the baby but her boyfriend. He was planning to ride away with this motorcycle, somewhere far away and toss the baby there so that no one could ever find him.


Woman claims it’s not her fault

While interrogation woman kept insisting that she didn’t cause the baby’s death. According to her version she gave birth to the child in bathroom and the baby fell into the toilet and drowned. Naturally with her boyfriend they started to panic so they hid the baby and planned to throw it away. Unfortunatelly autopsy didn’t bring any needed informations so the question whether the woman’s story is true or whether it was a murder remains. However there are more questions to be answered. Even if the woman’s version was true why didn’t they call for help? It is an unusuall situation but it could have happened. Maybe the baby could have been saved. Every mother would try to do that.

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Autor článku

Jeffrey Dirk

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