Doctors warn about tangerines: don’t eat them unless you do this important thing


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Maybe you are now saying that it isn’t important what is on the peel when you remove it and eat the sweet inside that is all the time hidden from all the dirt and spray. But that is not so true. Just with manipulating with the tangerine, you get in touch with the dangerous substances that can be present on the peel. At least, the skin on your palms is threatened by allergic reaction but also these substances can get inside of your body just by contact with the peel. The only thing left to do is to put a piece of tangerine to your mouth with those dirty hands and you might be in trouble.


So when you want to enjoy these tasty fruits, dedicate a few minutes to washing them with water before consuming. It only takes a few minutes but can save you from very serious health complications.

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Autor článku

Jeffrey Dirk

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