Constipation belongs to one of the topics that the public doesn’t really talk about. But that is not a solution because constipation brings a lot of health risks. Constipation is usually divided to acute, for example on holidays while change of place or regular daily routines, and chronic or long-lasting. Both cases are very unpleasant. Today we bring you an untraditional advice to how to relieve yourself.
Eat and drink healthy and move
There are many things you can buy in the drug store that promises helping you get rid of your problem. Not all work the way we would like and usually are full of many chemical substances. Also many tips and advices exist that tell you what to eat and not eat. In most cases is constipation a result of a wrong eating with too much pastry and sweets, along with insufficient intake of fluids, insufficient movement and too much stress. Learn this move on second page!
While fighting constipation it is recommended to eat fruits with evacuant effect such as strawberries, plums, apples, figs and dried apricots. Basically foods that contain more amount of fiber, for example legumes. Sour milk products or fermented cabbage contain probiotics and that could also help.
Get help with a massage
An interesting article recently came out in a scientific magazine Journal of General Internal Medicine that recommends along with the things mentioned also soft stimulation of a certain place using pressure massage. It is about pressing a specific place that exists in between anus and scrotum for men and vulva for women. This place is connected to the central nervous system and coordinates the movement of rectum, bowls and sphincter. Therefore gentle pressuring releaves the anal sphincter and faeces can move down more freely. By the way it is the same spot that is recommened to massage to women before giving birth.