Royal family released a secret message: It changes everything

The Royal family is grieving and most of them couldn’t suppress tears. Why?


Because someone that they knew and liked went away. However it is not that the person went to heaven. That person isn’t dead. Some members of the family are sad because a certain person gave a notice to leave a job. They decided not to work for the family anymore. For them they were like a part of the family with whom they shared the good and bad. And that is why such leave can hurt, especially when a certain friendship was formed which was badly damaged by it.

More than one employees left

It wasn’t just one employee that left. It was more. It is known that the royal family employs a lot of people and have servants. It is unique that they last for decades. Sometimes their whole life. That is why when they left some members of the royal family were sad. Because they were used to them and it will be very hard to find a replacement like this. But then came the biggest shock:


Is it Meghan Markle’s fault?

Some speculations are being formed that everything is most probably Meghan Markle’s fault. Those speculations are formed on the fact that her personal assistant Melissa Touabti, who was very experienced in this field, left. She was also a Robbie Williams’ assistant. She later announced that working with Meghan is rather complicated and in many cases her bossiness and stubbornness is shown.

That is not so known because the duchess has general problems with being conservative and following all the standards and regulations that apply to the royal family and protocol. Therefore it can be expected that she that she wanted some changes from her assistant.


Even Elizabeth’s secretary left

Another person who left the family was queen Elizabeth’s secretary. It was Samantha Cohen who worked in the family for over 17 years and the queen really liked her. Why did she leave? Meghan Markle’s name is mentioned as well. She had the assignment to help Meghan integrate into the family.

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Jeffrey Dirk

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