Heartbreaking details from a tragedy of a 3 years old girl that died in yesterday’s car crash, police revealed a shocking cause


In a tragic accident near the town Csoban a little three years old girl was injured. Paramedics were able to transport her to a hospital, however her injuries were so severe that the girl succumbed to her injuries and died. This heartbreaking story affected many people.

Head collision with oncoming vehicle

Travelling family, a mother with daughter, were on their way to Pilisvörövar when their automobile got into a very bad situation. Something very heavy and dangerous fell onto the automobile which caused a head collision with an oncoming vehicle on the broken zigzag roadway. As you may know, in these situations very severe accidents happen. Did she survived?

She lost her battle in the hospital

During the accident, mother and daughter suffered life-threatening skull injuries. Child was immediately transported to a hospital by a helicopter. As soon as her father, who was abroad at that time, found out about the accident he went to the hospital right away. Unfortunatelly he couldn’t visit her because her condition was very serious and her heart could not sustain it. At that time a family friend came to the hospital as well, who monitored the whole incident.

He also mentioned that the child was always well seated and buckled up in child seat so it definitely wasn’t the mom’s fault. She suffered heavy injuries to her skull as well and doctors fight for her life for a long time. It will be very hard for the woman to sustain the loss of her daughter that was everything to her. We strongly hope she succeeds.

Deadly accidents

The accident happened on 20th Novemeber 2019. Girl was transported by a rescue helicopter, nevertheless she lost her fight for life. Injuries were very severe. Police had to close the section on the road for a long time because the car crash was really tragic and extensive.

Permanently rising number of deadly accidents is very allarming. Usually the cause can be recklessness, doubting and unnecesssary risking. In this case it was unfortunatelly just a bad circumstance, the driving mom wasn’t the reason it happened.

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Autor článku

Jeffrey Dirk

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