Father made daughter cancel her wedding. 40 years later she found this in mother’s purse


When Janice met Prentiss for the first time it was a typical love story – love on first sight. There was nothing much to deal with and soon enough they began to plan a wedding. There wasn’t anything that could possibly ruin their happiness that was supposed to become official soon. But suddenly a tragic incident happened that tore the lovers apart. After 40 years something found in a purse changes history that should have been changed already decades ago.

Love on first sight

When Janice and Prentiss got together in college no one doubted that their huge love for each other could end up in a different way than in a marriage, having many children and living a beautiful contented life. But sometimes even this beautifully prepared story gets hit by destiny.

Janice Rude came from a very humble environment from American Nevada. Since birth her father always taught her that you have to pay for everything in life and if she won’t work hard to accomplish her dreams, she will never be successful. And Janice remembered that lesson her whole life. She respected her father very much and listened to his advice. That’s why she wanted to become a very strong and successful woman and chose to go to college, which at that time wasn’t always a clear-cut way. More often were women satisfied with a family life with children and perfect household.


Young love

Prentiss came from a very different environment. His family had influence and high status and payed for the boy in college from a very whealthy family that promised him a big career and success. His parents had high standards and expectations, to which a relatively poor and lackuster girl definitely didn’t belong.

Even when the time was different and the youth got to know each other very slowly their relationship grew more and more public and in the end they told their parents and closest friends about their plans. Prentiss’ family got used to a new future daughter-in-law quite easily, whilst Janice’s father couldn’t cope with this situation. He was afraid that if Janice marries too soon she won’t be able to finish her studies. And that was something he didn’t want to allow. He invested most of his savings into her studies and it was very obvious that he didn’t want his finances that he sacrificed to go away just like that. Janice of course understood his stand but on the other hand she loved Prentiss so much that she couldn’t imagine even postponing the wedding. She was very commited to studying and tried to convince her father that her studies won’t be jeopardized in any way, but that didn’t work.


Destiny strikes

Altough their wedding was already announced in newspaper her father didn’t want to ease up and gave Janice an ultimatum. Either she breaks up with Prentiss or he stops financing her studies. That was like a punch for Janice. She couln’t imagine quitting her biology studies that she loved so much but also couldn’t imagine living without Prentiss. A few days passed by and the stubborn father pushed her daughter so much, that in the end she canceled the wedding.

After that she and Prentiss haven’t seen each other for forthy years and both found themselves a different life partner. But as time went by, their marriage started to fall apart and children grew older. Janice’s father died at that time and as she was going through his belongings she found an old purse with a paper cut from newspapers. It was very crumpled and falling apart but it was obvious what was on it. It was the wedding announcement that she and Prentiss made. Her memories came back and she decided to find and get in touch with Prentiss. She did and found out he is divorced as well. After almost 40 years they met each other and history repeated itself. Their love for each other was awakend in them and they did something that was witheld from them before – they married each other.

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Autor článku

Jeffrey Dirk

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