I noticed this inscription on a gravestone at cemetery: when I read it, it gave me shivers, since then the way I see life changed


An inscription on a gravestone is something we consider normal. Usually we can find there some interesting quote or an information about who the person was and how were they. But there are also some gravestones that are more interesting. And this certain one definitely belongs into that category. It’s not hard to guess why.

This inscription definitely isn’t common

It is not a short quote but a message. Message to people who are alive. It is not supposed to inform about who lies in that grave but rather say something. It can also change the life of many people. People find it weird to be interested in reading other people’s gravestones and later even do what they say. But it can happen. What is on the gravestone? Find out on second page:

What is on the gravestone?

It is an interesting message from the deceased person to everyone who decided to visit the cemetery and look whether there is something interesting. Gravestone that has the message on definitely isn’t small. The reason is that the message isn’t short. This is what it says:

You are on a cemetery so focus on the graves. This grave. The way you are now that’s the way I also used to be. The way I am now, you will also be. Remember, everything in this world is saint. You meet whealthy and the poor but they all have one thing in common. They are mortal. Remember that and take care of your life accordingly. It’s your deeds that can send you to heaven.

The message raises concerns

Some find this message very frightening and read it just once and for the last time. But there are also those who see an interesting depth in it. And literally changed their life. Few sentences from a wise man on a gravestone and they started behaving differently. Why? So that they left some kind of a legacy in this world. And if possible positive one. Does this inscription inspire you as well or do you consider it something that doesn’t make sense and is useless? We will leave that up to you.

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Autor článku

Jeffrey Dirk

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