A woman unexpectedly gave birth to quadruplets; when girls grew up no one could believe how they look


The way children resemble their parents is sometimes unbelievable and usually quite disturbing. We are many times amazed how it is even possible that someone can look so much like their parents. We can resemble characteristically but especially physically. Mainly physical look is what makes other people intriguing for us. These sisters look like their mother even in adulthood.

Quadruple heartbeat

What do you think is the chance for you to have quadruplets? According to statistics it is about one case out of 64 million. In modern medicine of course exists a method In vitro, which makes the chance of this conceiving higher. There are indeed many cases in the world, where women gave birth to quadruplets without any artificial methods. One of those cases is Julia.


The woman became pregnant one day and went to a medical examination. During the first ultrasound examination doctors found out that it wasn’t just a beating of one heart that they heard but four. They advised the woman to terminate the pregnancy because it could cost her life. She decisively refused and bravely went onto the pregnant pathway.

They were given brands on their legs

Nine months later Julia gave birth to four beautiful children. Doctors didn’t find any medical complications. They were four beautiful girls that came by caesarean section. That however isn’t all. All the sisters were born with normal weight but above all were unrecognizable. Even Julia didn’t know which one is which and therefore she wrote their names on their legs. Without this branding she wouldn’t be able to recognize her new children.

Time was running by and sisters still looked the same. Thanks to this resemblance they became stars when they were four years old and started advertising clothes. Although they all look the same physically they can be distinguished by their character and hobbies.


Strong resemblance to mother

The most interesting thing is that with higher age the sisters are more and more resembling their mother which is the main part of this story. They all have light hair with little tresses, the same eyes, eyebrows, smile and body shape. They are beautiful women strongly resembling their mother. It was very challenging for Julia to raise all daughters at the same time, nonetheless they are big girls now and Julia is more a friend to them. They live in a beautiful harmonic relationship.

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Autor článku

Jeffrey Dirk

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