Bride spent over 1000 hours knitting her own wedding dress. When guests and groom saw the result they were amazed by the beauty


Despite everything she was enjoying the work

Yes, you read that right. The woman really did start making her wedding dress all by herself. The 39 years old bride dedicated 7 months to make her original wedding attire. Working on the dress of course took away a lot of time and work, nontheless she still managed to arrange other things connected to the wedding and ceremony. In addition she also went to work and raised two kids. The last few seams on the dress were finished few minnutes before the ceremony.


Hard work brought fruits

Once she stepped out of the car before ceremony it was clear she did a lot of hard work making them. She made them according to a model that she saw on the internet. She had a big advantage that she knows how to knit since she was 3 years old so the work wasn’t so hard.


She made the dress from silver satin which was just a small piece of work. The hardest task was knittig that decorates the whole dress, including the lace corset. She connected together 150 lace elements which is extremely hard because every piece had to be sewn separately. And even when she didn’t get much sleep the result was worth it. Her dream came true.

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Jeffrey Dirk

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