No one has ever experienced a sadder wedding. Both newlyweds said YES. However, everything was different the next day


Wedding is usually an event where guests are having a fun time. An event where upcoming newlyweds say their yes confirming their love. And everyone naturally wants their wedding to be the perfect one. This one was very close to being perfect but in the end it became the saddest wedding ever.

Everything was perfect

If the wedding didn’t end the way every guest expected, it would most probably be the most beautiful wedding these guests ever attended. A perfect place was chosen, beautiful decorations weren’t missing, a lot of pleasant surprises and a beautiful bride Maia. She however knew, as she was walking towards the altar, that it won’t be as perfect as it seemed to be. But the broom was seriously ill, see what happened on second page:

The broom was seriously ill

Her chosen one was Navaro, her big love. They both loved each other and nothing suggested that they could have any problems. Destiny is however erratic and a health problem can develop to any person. Sadly it was Navaro in this case, to whom doctors diagnozed a malignant brain tumor. At the same time they told him that he has zero chances to cure this tumor and survive.

Only a few hours were left

Navaro Herberta and Maia Falwasser insisted on having a wedding. They arranged it and invited all their acquaintances. It was a very hearthwarming ceremony, where they both said yes. They both, and even all the invited, knew about the groom’s health condition. They all also knew that there were no more days left but rather only hours. Which is why the wedding was so sad.

He was no longer alive the next day

A day after the wedding was filled with grief. Although everyone hoped for a miracle to happen, it did not. Doctors’ words confirmed that the tumor on brain threatens his life and there is not much time left. Maia spent the following days crying but at the same time she was happy that she could grant the love of her life one of the most beautiful moments in his life.

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Autor článku

Jeffrey Dirk

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