Children on a playground suddenly stopped and stood. What this mother caught on a camera surprised everybody


Today we bring you a strong story that took over the internet. This time it is about children that were normally playing on a playground. Father of one of the children decided to film the kids while playing. While playing to be on an American navy base something very strange happened. And that caused the video to become a hit on the internet. Look for yourself to see what caused such a response.

Mystery on a navy base

In March of the year 2011 a father Daniel decided to film his children playing with their friends to be a part of the American navy. However he had no idea what he would be the witness of. It all happened in New River Air Station in Jacksonville in North Caroline in USA. See the video on second page:

The flag is going down and hymn is playing

When the father looked from the door of his house he heard the state hymn playing very loud. Even over the noise the kids made the hymn was so loud that they must have heard it. The hymn plays on every military base in the evening when the American flag is lowered on the flagpole. While the hymn was playing, something very strange happened on the playground. Luckily everything was caught on a camera that Daniel brought to film the children playing.

Children stop playing

Children were playing but as soon as the hymn started playing they stopped whatever they were doing and stood to pay homage to their homeland. It was a fascinating view. According to Daniel it is because families in american bases live a similar lifestyle and children are raised to do these acts. Many viewers claim that it is amazing to see how much respect the kids have for their country. One commentator even says that parents raise their kids really great. He once lived on this base in 1972 and remembers that in that time children behaved the same. The citizens of America should be proud of them.

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Autor článku

Jeffrey Dirk

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